Robotic Demolition
Our robots can safely remove structures unlike any other demolition tool.
Our Robotic Demolition completes difficult work and does it safely. It can crush, hammer, and dig remotely so that the operator is safely away from the work location.
The robot runs off 480V electrical power so that it has no fumes from diesel. We can bring the generator or it can run off the “house” 480V power. No fumes makes it a great interior option.
Long Reaching - Rotates 360 degrees and up to 18 feet.
Compact - passes through standard door openings
Versatile -breaks, crushes, shears, digs, shovels, grapples, surface removal and trenches.
Efficient - High power to weight ration, moves quickly into position
Watch Our Robotic Demolition In Action
Why we use it in conjunction with our cutting services?
Here are FIVE GOOD REASONS to use our Robotic Demolition:
- Powerful hammer can break concrete while keeping the reinforcing in place.
- Crushing device can break concrete with much less vibration and noise.
- Operator can maintain a safe distance from the work utilizing Bluetooth remote
- Reduced manpower, reduced fatigue, reduced danger required to accomplish tasks
- Digs faster than 4 men with traditional methods.
Please give us a call to discuss your concrete demolition project FIND YOUR LOCAL CONTACT INFO HERE



The Concrete Robotic Demolition Helps Us To Get To 'Hard To Reach' Areas
These low impact tools really help make a difficult job safer. The pictures below show a couple of the uses. This Robotic Demolition helps your job go faster and safer.
These machines are electric and come equipped with buckets, hammers and munchers. These unique tools allow Concrete Cutters to remove concrete walls, ceilings and beams safely with remote operation. Great for hard to reach areas.

DXR 310 - 480V 3 Phase | Runs off our trucks

Get to those High Spots.

Lower Ceiling Removal in Vault.
Recent News: Robotic Demolition Demo "Gets The Job Done"
ABC Concrete Cutting was hired to remove a 24’ x 13’ vault ceiling in a medical office building. The 6” concrete ceiling was not load bearing but it was installed with less than a foot of space from the structural ceiling above it making cutting on top very difficult. Another option was to upside down track saw cut the ceiling a piece a time and drop each piece. This adds time and cost for shoring. It also adds an element of danger as the saw operator has to work under the ceiling.
The best solution was our Husqvarna Robotic Demolition. This robot was able to punch holes in the block and work the ceiling down from outside the room without any risk for harm to the robot or personnel. It runs off 480 Volt , 3 phase power so fumes were not an issue. We were able to minimize cost, risk, and time impact with the use of this unique tool.
We provide different models of the Husqvarna Robotic Demolition and also one that is a bigger punch. Both tools come with buckets to dig, hammers that pack a punch, and crushers to break concrete. These tools are small and great for any demolition project you have. If you are scratching your head about a project, call our sales team today and let us help you solve that concrete problem.

Buckets - DIG

Hammers - HAMMER

Munchers - CRUSH
More Robotic Demolition Applications Videos
Robot Wall Sawing - Our wall saw robot was used to remove a 6" x 6" x 30' section of concrete.
Robotic Demolition in Action - Our Robotic Demolition can crush, hammer, and dig remotely so that the operator is safely away from the work location.